KARACHI: Every year, the month of March is celebrated as the Nutrition Month all over the world. The purpose of this annual nutrition education and information campaign is to focus on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits in individuals. The theme for this year’s Nutrition Month was ‘Personalize your Plate’.
The Clinical Nutrition Department of The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus also celebrated this month by conducting several activities. The team collaborated with the Family Medicine, Pediatric, and Global Health Directorate teams to organize a public awareness session. The focus of the session was to provide basic nutritional knowledge and counseling on a healthy diet, healthy diet plate concept, diabetes, Ramazan, and diet and healthy diet for children.
On March 10, 2021, the team marked the ‘Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day’ to increase awareness that the registered dietitian nutritionists are the most reliable resource to provide evidence-based nutrition services and advice.
All the Clinical Nutrition staff members at the Indus Hospital and Health Network are registered with the Pakistan Nutrition and Dietetic Society (PNDS), the only professional society providing Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist certificate.
Moreover, the Clinical Nutrition staff conducted sessions for all employees of to provide nutrition-related knowledge and help employees to make informed food choices.
A session was conducted by the Hospital’s dietitians to provide disease-specific nutrition knowledge to all staff on different health conditions such as Diabetes, Oncology, Anemia, Pregnancy, and Lactation.