Skin Graft
Some wounds are too big to be stitched close, and may cause prominent scarring. Donate, and help cover a patient’s wounds and accelerate their healing. Skin Graft This surgical procedure involves removing healthy portions of skin from one part of the body to restore normal appearance and/or function to another portion of the same body. Skin graft is often used for wounds where skin loss is too big to be closed using local skin and stitches alone. Additionally, it is used for wounds that will produce prominent scars that could cause physical or psychological problems for a patient. 41 Surgeries carried out in 2020 44,000 Cost of Surgery BENEFITS OF SURGERY To cover a wound that is extensive or unsuitable for closure by suturing RAccelerates healing and minimizes scarringAccelerates healing and minimizes scarring To cover a wound that would likely cause physical or psychological problems through scarring, especially if in prominent places
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