The Indus Hospital’s Interventional Radiology department conducted its first case of Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) for Osteoid Osteoma (OO) – a painful, benign, bone-forming tumor. The beneficiary Hussain Mehdi is a 17-year old boy, a student of Intermediate, after being refused and undiagnosed by couple of hospitals in Hyderabad city, came to The Indus Hospital with severe pain in his hip and restricted movement of his leg. A team of Paediatric Oncology and Interventional Radiology specialists reviewed his case and decided to treat through minimally invasive interventional radiology procedure, RFA.
Surgical treatment has been the standard for a long time with a risk of fracture during the procedure and long hospital stay for paint management. Today, OO is being treated through minimally invasive procedure of RFA which is conducted on an outpatient basis and has a short patient recovery time.
The Indus Hospital with is its mandate to provide premium quality and free healthcare is geared towards adopting international level cutting-edge technology driven and cost effective treatments for its patients. The expansion of the Interventional Radiology services has equipped the Hospital to now perform a wide range of ablation therapies for soft tissues and bone cancers and musculoskeletal interventions including image guided minimally invasive techniques for various joint, ligament, muscular and bone diseases.