To celebrate the achievements of our paediatric patients/ students, Indus Kay Sitaray (IKS) held its second graduation ceremony on April 26, 2019. IKS is a hospital-based school at The Indus Hospital (TIH). After completing the second educational term, 15 students from Prep-1 and Prep-2 classes, received their certificates from Dr Shamvil Ashraf, Executive Director, Medical Services, Indus Health Network (IHN) and Ms Nudrat Imam, Principal, Shahwilayat Public School.
Shahwilayat Public School collaborated with TIH to help in developing a special curriculum, syllabus, and teaching techniques for IKS. The first graduation took place in 2018 with the graduation of 18 students.
Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Shamvil explained how the IKS is playing an important role in the psycho-social care of children and their families. Dr M. Fareeduddin, Head of Paediatric Medicine, TIH thanked Shahwilayat Public School’s management for their collaboration and continuous support in devising the curriculum, training of teachers, and making the IKS a success.
The event was attended by students; their families; TIH faculty; and Board members along with the faculty and trustees of Shahwilayat Public School. The event comprised of the graduating procession, followed by the national anthem and recitation of the Holy Quran by the students.