Karachi, Pakistan
Doctors routinely have to handle infection cases, but how well-trained in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and prepared are they?
This is dependent mainly upon the availability of IPC trainings and education which are much-needed but generally neglected.
To fulfill this gap, the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan and Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN) organized a one-week Infection Prevention and Control certificate training for doctors from Sindh and Balochistan.
The certificate course was conducted at The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus from March 1-6, 2021, following last year’s successful training in November. 17 physicians attended the training, which was led by Arifa Khatoon, Manager IPC, IHHN. Participants belonged to Karachi, Hyderabad, Sehwan Sharif, Quetta, Loralai, and Turbat.
The closing ceremony was chaired by Dr. Farah Bari, Deputy Manager, Sheikh Saeed Memorial Campus, and Dr. Zafar Zaidi, Dean, Indus University of Health Sciences, and Senior Executive Director, IHHN. Dr. Altaf Ahmed from Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute (PKLI) and WHO representatives Dr. Farah Sabih and Dr. Rima Khan distributed certificates to course facilitators and participants.
Infection prevention and Control Certificate course for Sindh and Baluchistan Doctors.
The WHO Country Office Pakistan in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan and The Indus Hospital & health Network has organize one week IPC training for doctors of Sindh and Baluchistan Provence.
Doctors routinely have to handle infection cases, but how well trained in infection prevention and control, and how well prepared? This is depend upon the availability of opportunity of the IPC trainings. Training and education of infection prevention and control to the doctors is very important but much neglected part of health care, to fulfill this gap world health organization with the collaboration of Government of Pakistan has arranged one week training course.
In this context, WHO has designed a Certificate Course, This certificate course organize for doctors at The Indus Hospital conducted from 1-6 March 2021 (previously successfully conducted in Nov 2020). 17 participants were attended the training and participants came from two provinces Sindh and Baluchistan.
Lead Facilitators were Ms Arifa Khatoon Manager Infection prevention & Control The Indus Hospital & Health Network, Karachi.
A total of 17 physician were the came from Sindh and Baluchistan in Pakistan. Participants belongs to different cities of two provinces.
Karachi, Hyderabad, Sehwan Sharif, Quetta, Loralai, Turbat
Closing ceremony was chaired by Dr Farah Bari Deputy general manager of Sheikh Saeed Indus Hospital, Dr Zafar Zaidi Dean The Indus University of health
sciences, Dr Altaf Ahmed PKI, Dr Farah Sabih WHO representative and Dr Rima were the Guest also they have distributed certificate to course facilitators and participants