Indus Health Network Establishes its UAE Chapter
IHN Organises an Awareness Session and Dinner in Dubai
The Indus Health Network (IHN) hosted its first event in Duabi on December 4, 2018 at the Metropolitan Hotel, Dubai to launch its UAE chapter. The event was the proclamation of IHN’s UAE Chapter. The event was also a part of IHN’s international awareness initiative. The event was hosted By Mr Arif Lakhani.
Indus Health Network aims to provide quality healthcare free-of-cost to everyone in need. It manages a wide network of 12 hospitals and a public health programme in 41 districts across Pakistan treating over 200,000 patients monthly.
The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by the national anthems of UAE and Pakistan. Mr Younis Bengali, Chairman of the Board, Indus Health Network, welcomed the guests with an opening statement followed by the speech of Mr Salim Tabani, Member of the Board, Indus Health Network. Mr Tabani gave a presentation which explained the statistics of Indus Hospital’s growth and achievements in the past years along with the plans for the future.
Dr Abdul Bari Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Indus Health Network gave a heart touching speech enlightening the attendees of his continuous efforts and the hardships he faced to keep the vision of Indus Hospital going. He also emphasised on the fact that humanity comes before everything else and how The Indus Hospital wishes to serve the same by providing basic healthcare to everyone in need, free-of-cost.
The event was graced by numerous Pakistani businessmen who came to support the Indus Hospital in UAE.
The Indus Hospital is a registered entity with International Humanitarian City (IHC).