The Indus Hospital is proud to highlight the efforts of one of it its greatest supporter, Maheen Khan.The reputable Fashion designer and owner of Gulabo is recognized not just in Pakistan but has made a commendable name in the international forum. Although she is highlighted for her elegance and uniqueness in the fashion industry, we at TIH want to recognize her for her philanthropy.
In this grave time, when Covid -19 has enveloped the entire nation in fear and doubt and cordoned of all human contact. Maheen Khan is amongst the few who has not forgotten about others especially the clinical staff at Indus Hospital who are fighting this war at the forefront.
Maheen Khan has ventured forth and sat with the Infectious Control Department at the Indus Hospital to design facial masks for doctors and paramedical staff. The team has followed all standard protocols by inserting a filter paper which will ward off germs and can be replaced after a day, ensuring that masks can be recycled. This sheer creativity and willingness to gear up the team who is fighting Corona day in and day out is truly commendable.
The hospital is grateful for her donation of 300 specially designed masks and her pledge to donate 100 more on a daily basis. Maheen Khan has been a long standing supporter of the hospital and we sincerely hope that we keep working together and improving the health scenario of the country.